Our Practice
Where are you located?
We have 2 locations. Our main office is located behind Huntsville Hospital at 910 Adams Street SE, Suite 200. We are also located in the Crestwood Maternity Center at 1 Hospital Drive, Suite 302.
What hospital(s) are you affiliated with?
We are affiliated with Huntsville Hospital and Crestwood Medical Center.
What are your hours?
Monday-Thursday: 8-5 PM and Friday: 8-1 PM.
Do you accept same-day or next-day appointments?
If it is an emergency, please contact the nurse of the physician you are needing to see. Non-emergent visits, please contact the scheduling department to discuss if any same-day or next-day appointments are available.
Office Policies
Is there a cancellation fee?
No. There is a $25 fee for no-showing an appointment. There is no fee for canceling or rescheduling a visit.
What if I am running late for an appointment?
Please give our scheduling department a call if you are running late. This will allow them to let the nurses and physician know that you are running late. Unfortunately, if you are more than 15 minutes late, we will need to reschedule your visit.
Where should I park?
Our Main Office offers parking across the street, directly in front of the office building off of Adams St. A parking deck around the back of the building has patient parking as well. For parking at the Crestwood location, pull to the front of the Maternity Center, where valet parking is available.
How should I prepare for my first visit?
Please bring your License and Insurance card to all visits. Arrive 15-20 minutes prior to your appointment to complete new patient paperwork.
How do I request my medical records?
To request medical records, please sign the medical records release form with your information, who is receiving the records, and your signature. If another physician is receiving the records, they are free of charge. If you are requesting your own records, you will be charged $1 per page for the first 25 pages and .50 cents for every page after that. You will also be responsible for an additional $5 admin fee as well. Payment will be collected before the records can be picked up.
How do I request a refill?
Each physician has a refill request line. When calling the office, select your physician and the refill request line. There is a $25 charge to have a prescription refilled.
How do I contact a billing representative about a statement I received in the mail?
If you have questions regarding your statement, give the billing department a call at (256) 265-6512 EXT 307.
Do you accept my insurance?
We accept most major insurances. We DO NOT accept Cigna Health Springs, TriCare, Humana Gold, Humana Military, Humana Choice PPO, Humana Gold Choice PPO, and Coventry PPO. If you have any questions regarding which providers take your insurance, please give us a call.
Can I pay my bill online?
Yes. We accept online payments. Please use this link.
Do I pay a copay for an Annual Preventive visit?
Most insurances cover preventive visits at 100%. If you speak with a physician about any problems you may be having, you will be required to pay your copay at check out.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept cash, credit, debit, Care Credit, and checks.
Do you have financial aid?
Yes, we have a Care Credit option you can apply for. Once you apply, you will immediately know if you are eligible for financial assistance through Care Credit.
How far in advance should I schedule my annual visit?
Annual visits should be scheduled at least 2-3 months in advance to ensure availability.
What should I expect during my annual exam?
Most annual exams will include a pelvic exam and Pap smear if you are 21 or older. A pelvic exam includes inspection of the external genitalia, vagina and cervix, and an internal evaluation of the uterus and ovaries. Even women who have had a hysterectomy need an exam to evaluate their ovaries on a yearly basis. Pap smears may not be performed every year depending on the patient’s previous results and their current health status.
Women should be prepared to discuss their personal and family medical history as well as medications. Some commonly asked questions include:
When was your last period?
How long does your period typically last?
What age did you start your period?
Are you sexually active?
Do you have a personal or family history of osteoporosis, early menopause or breast, ovarian, uterine or colon cancer?
Be sure to think about any questions or concerns you may have including:
Sexual health
STI Testing
Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
Menopause management
Preconception Counseling
Is testing for sexually transmitted infections done during my annual exam?
This is optional for all patients and can be done without an annual exam if needed.
How will I be informed of my test results?
Nurses will call with test results between 7-10 business days.
What forms of contraception do you offer?
At Tennessee Valley OBGYN, we offer all forms of contraception, including Birth Control Pills, Depo Provera contraceptive injections, Intrauterine Devices (IUD), Birth Control Patches, Vaginal Rings, Arm Implants, Tubal Ligation.
Will my insurance cover my contraception?
Most insurances cover contraception at 100%. You can contact your insurance company or the billing department to have coverage checked before coming in for your appointment.
When should a teenager schedule her first gynecology visit?
It is different for every patient. Many patients have their first gynecology visit after they have had their first menstrual cycle. Our providers can cover topics such as heavy, irregular or painful periods and can educate on feminine hygiene, birth control for those in need, STIs. Our clinical team is happy to be a resource for our teenage patients to discuss many sensitive subjects.
Is a pelvic exam required for teenagers?
Unless the patient is having specific problems, a pelvic exam is often not required for teenage patients.
When should I schedule my first OB visit?
Your first OB visit is based off of the first day of your last cycle. We begin OB care at or around 8 weeks gestation. If you have any questions about when to come in, please give our scheduling department a call.
Will I have an ultrasound at my first OB visit?
Yes. An ultrasound will be done at the first visit to confirm the pregnancy.
How many people can I bring with me for ultrasounds?
At this time, we are limiting visitors to 1.
Do you accept OB patients transferring for another office?
If you would like to transfer from another office, please contact the scheduling department to discuss details of your pregnancy and transfer.